Speaking Engagements

An Engaging, Illuminating, Fun Presenter
Dr. Stacee offers a variety of presentations to meet different groups’ needs. Keynote speeches, half-day or all-day workshops, group activities, guest lectures are offered on a range of topics, in-person, or virtually by Skype or Zoom including:
Personal Empowerment and
If you’ve ever marveled at people who carry themselves with a sense of ease, it’s time you got in on that magic. Great for groups of all sizes who could use some inspiration and movement from the status quo, this workshop allows participants a clear method for identifying individual life and work goals that they can put into immediate action.
Adaptable to different industries, this workshop provides clear methods for enriching existing diversity policies or crafting new ones. Useful for organizations that are doing damage control; those who are thinking ahead; and the rest who recognize that diversity, equity, and inclusion are the ingredients to a healthier and more dynamic organization.
Diversity and Otherness
Trauma, Bullying, Discrimination, Isolation, Anxiety, EMDR,
Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy, Expressive Therapies
If you’ve ever marveled at people who carry themselves with a sense of ease, it’s time you got in on that magic. Great for groups of all sizes who could use some inspiration and movement from the status quo, this workshop allows participants a clear method for identifying individual life and work goals that they can put into immediate action.
Dr. Stacee was transgender before she was a professional, so this presentation’s got 30+ years of experience behind it. Workshops are available to teach the language and stories of people across the lifespan whose experiences differ from their birth-assigned genders; as well as the role of diagnosis, advocacy, career counseling, and couples and family counseling for transgender and gender nonconforming folk.
Transgender Mental Health
Leadership Development and Organizational Communication (including HR issues)
Dr. Stacee was mentored by some of the best, and was providing leadership training before she ever became a therapist. She can teach your managers how to motivate employees and coach for improved performance, adapt to change, manage competing priorities, conduct better meetings, think strategically, and say ‘No’ when they need to.
Dr. Stacee’s success tools in online higher ed settings are now available for your institution! Whether the topic is faculty engagement and inspiring teaching practices; project management of a self-study for professional or institutional accreditation; or developing a university assessment plan down to the details of curriculum mapping and student learning data decision-making, Dr. Stacee can help your institution innovate its practices.
Higher Education Teaching,
Supervision, Accreditation, and Assessment Practices
Imposter Phenomenon and
These ‘complimentary’ issues show up in both personal and professional lives. People doubt themselves, feel like phonies, and then derail even those plans that were years in the making. Let Dr. Stacee guide your group members to see those tendencies which had negative consequences in the past, and to identify new ways of thinking and coping that allow dreams and goals to be realized. Time to kick the ‘imposter’ out before the saboteur comes shows up!
Great for both religious institutions and non-religiously organized groups who are seeking a spiritually-inspiring message, Dr. Stacee discusses healing from religious and spiritual trauma, wandering in search of a spiritual home, and the unique and deeply personal relationship that an Othered individual can develop with their Higher Truth. Let Dr. Stacee inspire your group and help you reach those in your community who may be hurting the most.
What Attendees Say
Workshops Tailored to Your Group or Event

From book groups to large convention groups, and everyone in-between, Dr. Stacee speaks to a variety of audiences:
- Colleges and universities
- Religious organizations
- Community centers
- Hospitals and mental health facilities
- Government organizations
- Business groups
Workshops can be varied to meet the needs of your group. Are you looking for an inspiring keynote experience to kick off your conference? Perhaps you’re looking for a full or half-day, or even a comprehensive training package. Do you prefer a group activity that allows experiential learning? Let us know your needs, and we will develop a training package just for you.
Watch Dr. Stacee’s 2019 keynote for the New Hampshire Women in Higher Education Leadership conference below.
Contact Dr. Stacee today to discuss your upcoming event and how we can work together.
Speaking Events
June 24 – ‘No Longer Who You Bullied Me to Be’: Healing Otherness Through Clarity, Compassion, Creativity, and Sass. Invited presentation for Essential Therapy Training, a presentation available to therapists in the U.S., U.K., and Ireland.
June 5 – Book signing from 11a-1p Central at The Twig Book Shop, 306 Pearl Parkway Suite 106; San Antonio, TX 78215; 210-826-6411
April 22 – Talking Back to the COVID-19 Bully. Invited presentation for the Southern New Hampshire University Thought Leaders’ Conference: Virtual
April 18 – Dr. Stacee Presents: The Healing Otherness Handbook: Overcome the Trauma of Identity-Based Bullying and Find Power in Your Difference. Invited presentation for Temple Sholom Adult Education presentation: Virtual
April 14 –Counselors are Hurting, Too: Experiential Healing from the Trauma of Injustice. Invited presentation for Southern New Hampshire University Counseling Professional Development.
April 11 – Fulfillment of the Dream: Honoring Our Ancestral Promise for Freedom. Co-presented with Fatma Pease, MA for the American Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama Conference: Virtual
April 7 – Career Choicemaking in the Age of the COVID-19 Bully. Invited presentation for the Southern New Hampshire University 2021 LEADS (Lead, Engage, Achieve, Discover, Succeed) Conference.
April 5 – Otherness in the Age of COVID-19: Learning, Healing, Moving Forward. Invited presentation for Illinois Wesleyan University; Bloomington, IL
January 14 – Claiming Personal Justice and Joy in Professional Development: Tools for “Here and Now” Work-Life Improvement. Presented for SNHU Gather Conference: Virtual
March 4 – Addressing the family needs for transgender children and adolescence. Presented for New Hampshire Department of Child and Youth Services; Concord, NH.
September 20 – Finding the Hero Within. A toolkit for restorying life among the left out. Invited guest workshop (8-hour) for the Mental Health Resource Education Network, Medford, OR
May 16 – Dismantling barriers to care for LGBT and other oppressed groups in the South: It starts with me. Invited 8-hour guest presentation for Oxford Treatment Center. Oxford, MS
May 5 – Finding, Claiming, Loving, and Celebrating the Fierceness in You. Keynote presentation for the New Hampshire Women in Higher Education Leadership Spring Conference. Concord, NH
April 18 – Claiming Our Right to Be Here: The Art of Overcoming Self-Sabotage
April 12 – Recognizing Our Inner Saboteur in Leadership Development. A 90-minute group psychotherapy intensive. Co-presented with Dr. Earl Grey. American Society for Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama 2019 Conference. Manchester, NH
A/V Requests and Presentation Delivery Information
- Please provide a wireless handheld microphone
- Any audience seating configuration is acceptable
- Dr. Stacee will arrive 45 minutes before the program starts, unless directed otherwise
- Please confirm in advance if you would like Dr. Stacee to include time for Q&A in her presentation
- Please confirm in advance how many books you would like to order along with allocated time for book signing
Dr. Stacee travels from Chicago, Illinois.
Photographs and videos are permitted with copies of files provided to Dr. Stacee after the event. Presentation recordings may not be shared unless with express written consent from Dr. Stacee.